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W. David Rule, OD, FAAO

Dr. David Rule

Dr. David Rule began in private practice in Shillington in 1974. He is a graduate of Susquehanna University and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry.

Dr. Rule served as president of the Berks County Optometric Society and has been active at the state level in the Pennsylvania Optometric Association. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Optometry as well as a “distinguished practitioner” and member of Beta Sigma Kappa, an international honorary fraternity in optometry. He also served on the board of directors of Vision Benefits of America. Other memberships include the American Public Health Association and the contact lens section of the American Optometric Association. Dr. Rule is also board-certified by the American Board of Optometry.

Dr. Rule’s professional interests include fitting contact lenses, especially “hard-to-fit” cases such as lenses for astigmatism, bifocal contact lenses, and custom designs.

In his leisure time, Dr. Rule enjoys golf, running, and sailing. He enjoys many outdoor sports and is a master of none.

Dr. Rule and his wife, Linda reside in Shillington. They have two children, Ken and Karen.